Conrad Graf Grand Piano

Type: Grand Piano

Collection: Geelvinck Collection

Manufacturer: Graf, Conrad

Year: 1836

Geography: Vienna / Austria

Dimensions (cm): L=244 W=126 H=38

Current location: On display at the Luther Museum in Amsterdam

General description: Viennese action, ivory naturals with bone fronts, and ebony-topped sharps, all of which are typical of Graf pianos. Cherrywood case on three legs with brass casters. Divided bridge, bichord until EE, trichord above. Four pedals attached to a lyre: sustain, keyboard shift, moderator, double-moderator.

More manufacturer info

Instrument Video

Example of 1836 Graf being played as part of Geelvinck Music Festival 2020

Additional information

Performance characteristics: See video 2:34-4:45

Compass: CCC-g3

Pedals: sustain, keyboard shift, moderator, double-moderator


On the nameboard: Conrad Graf / Kaiserl: Kön: Hof – Fortepianomacher / Wien / nachst der Carls-Kirche im Mondschein No 102

Edition/serial number: 2505

Geelvinck collections overview