Berger Grand Piano
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Berger
Year: c.1890
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Dimensions (cm): L=171 W=140
Current location: Not on display
General description: Viennese action in a walnut case with satinwood inlay and a nameboard with brass inlay. Ivory naturals with ebony sharps. Full metal hitchpin rail with three bars. The piano is straight strung, with a Capo d'Astro on the treble. The hammer heads are felt over a layer of leather. Inside the case there is a old sticker that says "J. Fritz and Son, Vienna."
Additional information
Compass: AA-a4
Pedals: damper, una corda
Octaves: 7
Edition/serial number: 6606 on yoke, 1315 on soundboard