Mathaeus Heilmann Fortepiano
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Heilmann, Mathaeus
Year: c.1785
Geography: Mainz / Germany
Dimensions (cm): L=214 W=97 H=27
Current location: On display at Huize Kolthoorn
General description: Viennese action without hammer check, single bridge. Keyboard with ebony naturals with bone-topped beech sharps. A fielded paneled walnut case on four square tapered legs. Sycamore nameboard with a paper name label flanked by two decorative brass disks. Two knee levers below the keyboard.
Instrument Video
Heilmann piano see video 29 seconds
Additional information
Performance characteristics: See video at 29 seconds
Compass: Ff-f3
Pedals: Knee lever: sustain
Octaves: 5
On the nameboard: Mathaeus Heilmann Hof-Orgel / und Instrumenten Macher in Mainz No 194
Edition/serial number: 194
Context: Heilmann worked in Mainz or the town of Offenbach nearby. He was appointed court tuner, organist and maker to the Elector and Archbishop of Mainz
Literature references: Clinkscale, Martha Novak. Makers of the Piano: 1700-1820. Vol. 1, Oxford University Press, 2006.