Petzold Square Piano
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Petzold, Guillame-Lebrecht
Year: c.1820
Geography: Paris / France
Dimensions (cm): W=172
Current location: Not on display
General description: Mahogany case. Ivory naturals and ebony sharps. Trichord. Pedal is missing but there are four pedal systems and those four are: damper, moderator, bassoon, and lute.
Additional information
Compass: FF-f4
Pedals: damper, moderator, bassoon, lute
Octaves: 6
On the nameboard: Petzold Facteur / ... Piano. de ... / Le Duc de Berry / Rue d'Orleans St. Honore No13 a Paris
Edition/serial number: 418