Pleyel & Co Square Piano
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: 1840
Geography: Paris / France
Dimensions (cm): W=158
Current location: Not on display
General description: French action in a mahogany case with a rosewood nameboard containing brass inlay. Bone naturals with ebony sharps. Metal hitchpin plate with one bar. Membrane in soundboard to cut off sound in a certain part. Single bridge with features of a divided bridge. The piano is single strung from CC-F and bichord from G-f4 with iron wrapping. Old stringing, but likely not original. Felt hammer heads with new hammer felt. Original cloth on dampers.
Additional information
Compass: FF-f4
Pedals: moderator, damper
Octaves: 6
Edition/serial number: 8343
Literature references: This piano can be found in the original Pleyel ledgers under the serial number 8343. The information included in the ledger contains the date the piano was purchased, as well as dates pertaining to the construction of the piano: https://archivesmusee.philharmoniedeparis.fr/Default/doc/SYRACUSE/24