Pleyel Grand Piano
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel
Year: 1870
Geography: Paris / France
Dimensions (cm): L=192
Current location: Not on display
General description: Mahogany case. Ivory naturals with ebony sharps. Metal hitchpin rail with five bars. Lower bass is single strung, upper bass is bichord, the rest of the piano is trichord. The piano has a Capo d'Astro in the treble. Modern damping system.
More manufacturer infoAdditional information
Pedals: damper, ?
Octaves: 7
Edition/serial number: 101000
Literature references: This piano can be found in the original Pleyel ledgers under the serial number 101000. The information included in the ledger contains the date the piano was purchased, as well as dates pertaining to the construction of the piano: https://archivesmusee.philharmoniedeparis.fr/Default/doc/SYRACUSE/30