Wornum Grand Piano

Type: Grand Piano

Collection: Kolthoorn Collection

Manufacturer: Wornum, Robert

Year: c.1837

Geography: London / England

Dimensions (cm): L=168 W=115 H=40

Current location: Not on display

General description: Tape check action with underdampers in a mahogany case. Ivory naturals with ebony sharps. Original tuning pins and soundboard. Bichord throughout. The hammer heads are felt over a layer of leather.

More manufacturer info

Additional information

Compass: FF-f4

Pedals: una corda, damper

Octaves: 6


On the nameboard: Royal Patent Equal Tension / Pocket Grand Piano Forte Invented a & Manufactured by / Robert Wornum / Music Hall Store Street, Bedford Square London

Edition/serial number: 6304

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