Freudenthaler Square Piano

Type: Square Piano

Collection: Kolthoorn Collection

Manufacturer: Freudenthaler, Jean-Guillame

Year: 1797

Geography: Paris / France

Dimensions (cm): L=57 W=155 H=20

Current location: Not on display

General description: Single action in a mahogany case with a quarter-sawn nameboard. Ivory naturals with ebony sharps. Single bridge. The piano is bichord throughout, with open-spun bass strings. Leather hammer heads. The damper is a lever system type, the damper levers are made out of whale baleen.

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Additional information

Compass: FF-f3

Pedals: damper, lute

Octaves: 5


On the nameboard: Freudenthaler / Rue St. Martin, 78 o 27. / A Paris 1797

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