Broadwood & Sons Grand Piano

Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1854
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1854
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Stodart, William
Year: c.1830
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Blüthner, Julius Ferdinand
Year: c.1870
Geography: Leipzig / Germany
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: 1874
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Stodart, WIlliam
Year: c.1835
Geography: London / England
Type: Doghouse Upright Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Gibaut, Joseph Jean Baptiste
Year: c.1835
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Heitzmann, Josef
Year: c.1870
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1838
Geography: London / England
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Jiskoot, Wilhelmus
Year: c.1971
Geography: Bavel / Netherlands
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Streicher, Johann Baptiste & Son
Year: c.1861
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Upright Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Kirkman, Joseph
Year: c.1812
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Hoxa, Friedrich
Year: c.1840
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Kruger, Oskar
Year: c.1870
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: c.1828
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Wornum, Robert
Year: c.1837
Geography: London / England
Type: Upright Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Johan Jacob Rippen
Year: c.1960
Geography: Ede / Netherlands
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: 1841
Geography: London / England
Type: Cabinet Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: 1875
Geography: London / England
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Sperrhake
Year: c.1960
Geography: Bamberg / Germany
Type: Harmonium
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Lakeside
Geography: Chicago / United States of America
Type: Electric Organ
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Wurlitzer
Year: c.1975
Geography United States of America
Type: Electric Organ
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Yamaha
Year: c.1980
Geography Japan
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Schmitz, Bernhard
Year: c.1870
Geography: Rotterdam / Netherlands
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Kutschera, Carl
Year: c.1880
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Steinweg, Christian Friedrich Theodor
Year: 1887
Geography: Braunsweig / Germany
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: 1843
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Berger
Year: c.1890
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Hagspiel, Gustav Robert
Year: c.1870
Geography: Dresden / Germany
Type: Pianino
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: c.1845
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Cabinet Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1847
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Steinweg, Christian Friedrich Theodor
Year: 1920
Geography: Braunsweig / Germany
Type: Pianino
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel
Year: 1865
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Harmonium
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Putnam & Co
Year: c.1915
Geography: Staunton, Virginia / United States of America
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Radecker, Johann Diedrich
Year: c.1825
Geography: Lubeck / Germany
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: 1861
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Upright Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Wornum, Robert
Year: c.1827
Geography: London / England
Type: Cabinet Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1875
Geography: London / England
Type: Giraffe Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Ehrlich, Cristoph
Year: 1827
Geography: Bamburg / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Fried, Jahn
Year: c.1825
Geography: St. Gallen / Switzerland
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Norberg, E.
Year: 1866
Geography: Stockholm / Sweden
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Lunau, Benjamin Heinrich
Year: c.1860
Geography: Lubeck / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Astor & Co
Year: c.1810
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Freudenthaler, Jean-Guillame
Year: 1815
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Stodart, William
Year: c.1825
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Malmsjo & Co
Year: c.1870
Geography: Gothenburg / Sweden
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Longman & Broderip
Year: c.1790
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Bernhardt, Pierre Antoine Daniel
Year: c.1830
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard, Sebastien
Year: 1817
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1836
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Ege, Jacques
Year: c.1840
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Radecker & Lunau
Year: c.1830
Geography: Lubeck / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: 1834
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Gunther & Horwood
Year: c.1830
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: c.1850
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Longman & Broderip
Year: c. 1780
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Longman & Broderip
Year: c.1794
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Klems, Johann Bernard
Year: c.1840
Geography: Dusseldorf / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Longman & Broderip
Year: c.1788
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Clementi & Co
Year: 1806
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Clementi, Muzio
Year: 1811
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Duwaer, Johannes Baptiste
Year: c.1840
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van Raay & Sons
Year: c.1835
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Koch, Benjamin
Year: c.1840
Geography: Heilbronn / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Zeiler, I.H.
Year: c.1838
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Rinaldi
Year: c.1829
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Richter, Marc & David
Year: 1831
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1820
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pape, Jean-Henri
Year: 1835
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Undetermined
Year: c.1820
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Gerdau, M.D.
Year: c.1845
Geography: St. Peterburg / Russia
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: c.1845
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Radecker & Lünau
Year: c.1830
Geography: Lubeck / Germany
Type: Pedalier
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Straatman, Willem
Year: c.1840
Geography: Arnhem / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Boch, Joseph
Year: c.1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Kampenius, G.H.
Year: c.1845
Geography: Harderwijk / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van der Does, Corneille Charles Emanuel
Year: c.1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Stodart, William
Year: c.1821
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Yamaha
Year: 1982
Geography Japan
Type: Clavichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Year: c.1965
Geography Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Preston, Thomas
Year: c.1800
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Tomkison, Thomas
Year: c.1820
Geography: London / England
Type: Console Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pape, Jean-Henri
Year: 1855
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Nieber & Co.
Year: c.1900
Geography: Berlin / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Sandström
Year: c.1850
Geography: Stockholm / Sweden
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Dörner, Christian Friedrich
Year: c.1850
Geography: Stuttgart / Germany
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: de Blaise, William
Year: c.1960
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Year: c.1840
Geography Unknown
Type: Schippers Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Cramer & Co
Year: c.1900
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Petzold, Guillame-Lebrecht
Year: c.1820
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Darche, Nicolas Jean
Year: c.1830
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Kupers, Johannes Arnoldus Antonius
Year: c.1830
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: 1840
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Meyer, Meinke & Pieter
Year: c.1790
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Rappel, Salomon & Borghols, Henricus Jacobuszoon
Year: c.1830
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Cymbal
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Janos, Simon
Geography: N. Varad / Hungary
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Kadel, Carel
Year: c.1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood, John
Year: 1788
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Graichen, G.J.
Year: c.1840
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van der Does, Corneille Charles Emanuel
Year: c.1825
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van Raay, Joannes
Year: c.1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Kadel, Carel
Year: 1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Marschall, Andreas
Year: c.1830
Geography: Copenhagen / Denmark
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Boch, Joseph
Year: 1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Wittmayer
Year: c.1960
Geography Germany
Type: Cymbal
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Straatman, Willem
Geography: Arnhem / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Practice
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Virgil
Year: c.1900
Geography: Berlin / Germany
Type: Spinet
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Klop
Year: c.1967
Geography: Garderen / Netherlands
Type: Clavichord
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Neupert
Year: c.1965
Geography: Bamberg / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Zumpe, Johannes Christoph
Year: 1768
Geography: London / England
Type: Melodium
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Carthart & Needham
Year: c.1855
Geography: New York / United States of America
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Clementi & Co
Year: 1802
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Wornum, Robert
Year: c.1846
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van der Does, Corneille Charles Emanuel
Year: c.1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Moore & Co
Year: c.1790
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Boch, Joseph
Year: c.1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Boch, Joseph
Year: c. 1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Boch, Joseph
Year: c.1818
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van der Does, Corneille Charles Emanuel
Year: c.1810
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Ganer, Christopher
Year: c.1800
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Clementi & Co
Year: 1810
Geography: London / England
Type: Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Eck, Jacob & Lefebvre
Year: c.1850
Geography: Cologne / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van Raay, Joannes
Year: c.1825
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Ronner, Deddo
Year: 1960
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Van Raay & Sons
Year: c.1830
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Frères & Perdrix
Geography: Lyon / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Freudenthaler, Jean-Guillame
Year: 1822
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Freudenthaler, Jean-Guillame
Year: 1797
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Ganer, Christopher
Year: 1785
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Ruesch, Heinrich
Year: c. 1830
Geography: Lubeck / Germany
Type: Spinet
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van der Does, Corneille Charles Emanuel
Year: c.1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: 1815
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Wetzels
Year: 1839
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Meyer, Meinke & Pieter
Year: c.1790
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1834
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Wiesbade, Matthes
Year: c.1840
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Year: c.1790
Geography Germany
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel
Year: 1870
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Meyer, Meinke & Pieter
Year: c.1810
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Boch, Joseph
Year: c.1825
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard, Sebastien
Year: 1796
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Bernhardt, Pierre Antoine Daniel
Year: c.1835
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Bernhardt, Pierre Antoine Daniel
Year: c.1830
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Faber
Year: 1918
Geography: Dresden / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: 1794
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Tomkison, Thomas
Year: c.1810
Geography: London / England
Type: Harmonium
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Alexandre & Fils
Year: c.1870
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Dettmer & Son
Year: c.1825
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Rogers & Sons
Year: c.1909
Geography: London / England
Type: Pianino
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel, Wolff & Co
Year: 1878
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel
Year: c.1822
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: 1840
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Harmonium
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Worcester
Year: c.1910
Geography England
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Weber
Year: c.1918
Geography: London / England
Type: Cymbal
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Schunda, Vencel József
Year: c.1900
Geography: Budapest / Hungary
Type: Electric Organ
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Eminent
Year: 1980
Geography: Bodegraven / Netherlands
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Schimmel
Year: c.1975
Geography: Braunschweig / Germany
Type: Pianino
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: 1863
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel
Year: c.1950
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel
Year: 1937
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Pianino
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Pleyel & Co
Year: 1854
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Olejniczak
Year: c.1900
Geography: Berlin / Germany
Type: Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Linridge & Son
Year: c.1895
Geography: Hastings / England
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Herrmann, Alexander
Year: c.1975
Geography Germany
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Goldschmeding, Gerhardus Alexander
Year: 1952
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: 1842
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Erard
Year: 1805
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: de Witte, Broer
Year: 1990
Geography Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: De Frey Pere & Fils
Year: 1829
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Collard & Collard
Year: 1870
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1857
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Son
Year: 1805
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c.1825
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: c. 1830
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Sons
Year: 1850
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Meyer, Meinke & Pieter
Year: c.1790
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Undetermined
Year: c.1800
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard, Sebastien
Year: 1785
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Graichen, G.J.
Year: c.1830
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van Raay & Sons
Year: c.1835
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Meybom & Co
Year: c.1845
Geography: Moscow / Russia
Type: Upright Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Bates, Theodore Charles
Year: c.1850
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Geography Unknown
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Broadwood & Son
Year: 1803
Geography: London / England
Type: Physharmonica
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Undetermined
Year: Undetermined
Geography Unknown
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: De Ruyter & Fils
Year: c.1850
Geography: Breda / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Beck, Frederick
Year: 1776
Geography: London / England
Type: Harpsichord
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: De Blaise, William
Geography: London / England
Type: Harmonium
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Alexandre & Fils
Year: c.1870
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Haig & Co.
Year: c. 1825
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Collard & Collard
Year: 1821
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Duwaer, Johannes Baptiste
Year: c.1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Kirkman, Joseph
Year: c.1790
Geography: London / England
Type: Spinet
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Mahoon, Joseph
Year: c.1742
Geography: London / England
Type: Giraffe Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Muller, J.D .
Year: c.1820
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Glass Harmonica
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Geography Unknown
Type: Pianino
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Francke, August Hermann
Year: 1887
Geography: Leipzig / Germany
Type: Cabinet Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Jones, Round & Co
Year: c. 1810
Geography: London / England
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Streicher, Johann Baptist
Year: c.1835
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Anonymous
Year: c. 1780
Geography: Undetermined / France
Type: Upright Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Woffington, Robert
Year: c.1790
Geography: Dublin / Ireland
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Van der Does, Corneille Charles Emanuel
Year: 1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Baumann, Matthias Christian
Year: c.1790
Geography: Zweibrucken / Germany
Type: Giraffe Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Muller, J.D .
Year: 1815
Geography: Amsterdam / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: De Ruijter, Petrus Cornelius Norbertus
Year: c.1833
Geography: Breda / Netherlands
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Erard, Sebastien
Year: c.1788
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Lyre Piano
Collection: Sweelinck Collection
Manufacturer: Schleip, Johann Christian
Year: c.1830
Geography: Berlin / Germany
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Haschka Jr., Georg
Year: c.1825
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Clavichord
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Goff & Cobby
Year: 1934
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Heilmann, Mathaeus
Year: c.1785
Geography: Mainz / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Van Even, Libertus
Year: c.1815
Geography: Paris / France
Type: Clavichord
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Meerbach, Johann Christian
Year: c.1805
Geography: Gotha / Germany
Type: Square Piano
Collection: Kolthoorn Collection
Manufacturer: Zumpe & Buntebart
Year: c.1769
Geography: London / England
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Stein, Matthaus Andreas
Year: c.1804
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Haschka Sr., Georg
Year: 1815
Geography: Vienna / Austria
Type: Grand Piano
Collection: Geelvinck Collection
Manufacturer: Graf, Conrad
Year: 1836
Geography: Vienna / Austria